Afonso de Albuquerque Model at the Museu de Marinha (Maritime Museum) in Lisbon Portugal
A 1:48 scale model of the corvette Afonso de Albuquerque, a 1110-ton combined propulsion vessel built in 1884. She was the first Portuguese ship built with electric lighting and served mostly in Angola and Mozambique. The Museu de Marinha (Maritime Museum of Navy Museum) focuses on Portuguese maritime history. It features exhibits on Portugal's Age of Discovery, the Portuguese Navy, commercial and recreational shipping, and, in a large annex, barges and seaplanes. Located in the Belem neighborhood of Lisbon, it occupies, in part, one wing of the Jerónimos Monastery. Its entrance is through a chapel that Henry the Navigator had built as the place where departing voyagers took mass before setting sail. The museum has occupied its present space since 1963.